St Joseph’s Wingham has a strong focus on social justice and the need for fairness and equity within our world. St Joseph’s Wingham promotes social justice issues both locally and abroad, following in the ethos of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop who stated “Never see a need without doing something about it”.

Our students participate in a variety of initiatives including the Lenten CARITAS Appeal, St Vincent De Paul Appeals (winter and Christmas) and Catholic Mission.

Our fundraising focuses for each term throughout the year are:

Term 1

Caritas Global support – In the form of Project Compassion Money boxes. Each class actively collects money as well as each family receiving a box to place in their own homes.

Term 2

Vinnies Winter Appeal - Supporting locals – Having food and clothing collections as well as an out-of-uniform day to help raise funds to support local families in need.

Term 3

Catholic Mission - Global support – A Mission day supporting Socktober appeal is held in Term 3 each year.

Term 4

Vinnies Back to School Appeal - Supporting Locals- Students and families are asked to support the local appeal by donating school supplies.

Catholic Care Christmas Hamper Appeal – Supporting Locals – Families donate.

non-perishable goods which are then distributed to locals in need at the festive time.

The school encourages the students to propose other areas for social justice work at a local level. From year to year, this is in response to the needs of the local or even global community. These are some examples of social justice at the local level.
